Affordable Fast Fibre Broadband at Eagle Tower, Cheltenham
In this series of blogs, I hope to inform business owners and Telecoms buyers of the considerable and diverse range of products, services and providers available to them in what is a very vibrant and fast moving market.
Internet Access via Fibre based products has been a reality for businesses for many years. However, there has, historically, been 2 main impediments for businesses wishing to adopt this technology to improve their Internet experience.
- Availability of Fibre based products (i.e., is it available in your area).
- The cost of the product (very expensive and not really cost effective for small businesses).
The last 18 months or so has seen dramatic improvements. Both of the above impediments have been swept aside as BT Openreach has rolled-out FTTC Fibre Broadband (Fibre to the Cabinet) at an impressive (to me) pace. At the time of writing (January 2019) the UK coverage can still be described as patchy but many organisations are now enjoying the advantages of Fibre based products at realistic and affordable prices.
Unfortunately, for some, there are technical reasons why they cannot enjoy the benefits of FTTC. One such reason is that the underlying telephone exchange line service that supports Broadband is fed by a ‘’Direct Distribution Point’’ (Direct DP). That is, the line does not pass through a cabinet (the green box so evident on our high streets and main thoroughfares) but, instead, is delivered directly from the Telephone Exchange. Eagle Tower in Cheltenham is one such location which is served by a Direct DP and, hence, FTTC is unavailable.
Eagle Tower is a large, multiple occupancy building in the centre of Cheltenham. There is strong demand for Fast Fibre Internet Access and the lack of an FTTC product has been frustrating with businesses having to make a choice between ADSL Broadband or expensive leased line services.
However, Outsourcevoice has now introduced an affordable product allowing businesses to take advantage of fast fibre Internet access at realistic prices, competing directly with ADSL on pricing.
We can be contacted on the Fast, Fibre Broadband Hot-line… 0333 200 1440. Why not give us a call and let us investigate which business broadband is right for your organisation.