Terms of Business
OutsourceVoice MontpellierNet is proud to deliver high-quality products at very competitive prices.
‘In contract’ Price increases
The Telecomms Services industry, like most others, is going through a phase where supply-chain costs are rocketing. There are many reasons for this including general inflation which is substantially higher at this time than it has been for many years. We are not immune to these increases and our Wholesale suppliers pass on, to us, industry-wide increases on a regular basis.
We are proud of our record of absorbing the vast majority of these increases and we have, to date, managed to insulate our customer base from such price rises by contracting with our suppliers for fixed and variable contract lengths. We are compelled to pass on our Wholesale contractual arrangements to our customer base.
Fixed Term
Fixed Term customer contracts are for 1-, 2-, and 3-year terms with a specified start and end date. These arrangements allow us to pass on significant discounts on our standard headline* pricing and are not affected by general ‘In Contract’ price increases.
Rolling Term
Rolling-term contracts do not have a specified end date (open-ended) and can be subject to Industry-wide price increases annually (usually March/April and usually limited to RPI plus 4%). Our Rolling Term contract arrangements are based on a standard 12-month notice period. Standard headline* pricing applies to Rolling Term contracts.
MontpellierNet Price promise
Pricing for our new IP-based product set (MontpellierNet) is designed to deliver guaranteed stable pricing and, as such, is only available on a Fixed-term basis with a minimum 12-month term.
All Outsourcevoice and MontpellierNet Service Rentals are charged monthly in advance with call and/or any usage charges billed monthly in arrears. All Invoices are dated the 1st of the month and are usually issued via email around mid-month. Customer statements are issued quarterly. Credit Terms are strictly 30 days (unless agreed otherwise)
Our obligation to you
- We (The supplier) and our agents will conduct ourselves, at all times, with the highest levels of courtesy and integrity in our dealings with you (The customer) and any customer representative.
- We will meet all service levels and other undertakings specified within the contract.
- We will submit, in a timely manner, Invoices, Reports, Inventory details and any other associated documentation (as reasonably requested).
Your obligation to us
- The customer will pay our invoices in accordance with the contracted Terms and Conditions of service.
- The customer will report any outage or perceived degradation of service in a timely manner.
We endeavour to resolve any dispute in a reasoned and amicable manner. In the event that the respective parties are unable to agree on an issue, the Customer may refer the dispute to a recognised dispute resolution service. Any costs incurred are to be shared equally by the Customer and ourselves and any verdict is to be deemed binding. OutsourceVoice MontpellierNet subscribes to the OFCOM-approved CICAS Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme.
*Full Terms and conditions and standard headline pricing are available on request by emailing Keith at keith@outsourcevoice.com or keith.dunne@montpelliernet.co.uk.